Tuesday, June 3, 2008

good karma

life is full of surprises. i have always felt that forrest gump was a bit overboard when he said that "life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you are gonna get". but actually, i'm beginning to see the wisdom in what he said. what goes up, must always come down. i never thought that i would reach this point in my life. i'm on top of the world. everything that happened to me during the first quarter of the year seems like a blur. and now, i'm reaping the harvest of my hardships....... i lost my job. i lost someone i really cared about. i lost my financial security. i failed my specialty boards. i lost my self esteem. i really felt like the world was crashing down on me. but then, there is no way that i'm going to allow things to stay that way. if i have been through the worst, surely, the best is yet to come......and it did!

1 comment:

docemdy said...

Good for you that he tide has turned. Don't lose faith. Everything works out eventually.